Main activity

Non-profit organization, the “Académie aéronautique et spatiale Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes” is the head of a of public and private organizations network which aim is to answer staffing requirements of the regional aerospace industry. It acts by pooling or sharing projects between its partners, and is also directly developing particular actions responding to the needs identified by its members.
Its objectives are: to improve the perception of the sector among all audiences (retraining, employees and job seekers, students, apprentices, etc.) ; to identify and promote existing training courses that meet the needs of companies (specially by supporting the attribution of a label to the courses answering those needs); to support the development of the training offer and prepare for the future (technology transfer, educational engineering).

1 Esplanade François Mitterrand
69002 - LYON

+33 (0)4 26 73 68 25

< 10 employees

< 2 M€

Access to the site


Main activity: Service

Capabilities: Training / Other services