A dynamic and committed team


Aerospace Cluster is governed by its Board of Directors and steering committee.

They are all elected for a 3-year period, by the General Assembly. The board of directors is in charge of the association strategy.

The Bureau of the Board implements the strategy, organises and follows up the daily association’s work. It relies on working groups which draw up thematic roadmaps and define priorities. The daily work is ensured by the permanent team and coordinated by the Delegate of the Association.

On June 28, 2022, the General Assembly renewed the governance and appointed a new Board of Directors with 32 members who represent all the territories of the region and all the components of the sector. That same day, the new Board of Directors unanimously appointed Franck COLCOMBET as President and choose to surround him, within the Bureau, with a dynamic and committed team.

Together, they carry out the project to provide aerospace regional players with the tools to succeed in both environmental and digital transformation, to respond to the new ramp-up challenges (supply, recruitment, financing, inflation, energy, etc.).

Steering committee

Franck Colcombet

President Tecalemit Aerospace

Benoit Guignard

Vice-president Trésorier Savoie Rectification

Gilles Duqueine

Vice-president Secrétaire Duqueine Group

Frédéric Bajard

Vice-president BINC Industries

Pascal Dubuis

Vice-president Inoprod

Jocelyn Lardet

Vice-president Jet Cut

Jean Roussel

Vice-president Sunaero

Nathalie Voisin

Vice-president Avnir Engineering

Board of Directors - Industrie college

Frédéric Bajard

Vice-president BINC Industries

Gwen Baudy


Patrick Burlat


Christophe Chambet

Pracartis Groupe

Franck Colcombet

President Tecalemit Aerospace

Pascal Dubuis

Vice-president Inoprod

Gilles Duqueine

Vice-president Secrétaire Duqueine Group

Frank Eberl


Jean-Marc Feuillas


Ludovic Gasne


Eric Gensanne


Benoit Guignard

Vice-president Trésorier Savoie Rectification

Philippe Juillard


Jocelyn Lardet

Vice-president Jet Cut

Jérémy Marlier

Marlier SA

Norbert Masquelet


Sébastien Nivet


Franck Piquand


David Raynaud

Creno Industriel

Thierry Rafesthian

Emitech Groupe

Philippe Rivière

ACI Groupe

Jean Roussel

Vice-president Sunaero

Nathalie Voisin

Vice-presidente Avnir Engineering

Board of Directors - Education & research College

Eric Bothier

Ecole La Mache

Jean Fromion

Académie Aéronautique & Spatiale

Patrick Guyon


Régis Dufour

Institut Carnot Ingénierie@Lyon

Séverine Durieux

Sigma Clermont

Ex officio members of the Board of Directors

Stéphanie Pernod

La Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Yvane Bocchi-Wirman

CCI de Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

M. le Préfet

République Française


Frédéric Antras


Françoise Galvin

International Affairs Manager

Nicolas Libreau

Project Manager

Pascale Archer
